Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thoughts on Life

I’ve been think a lot lately, or rather trying to, but it generally just leads off on some tangent and no resolution. The good that has come of that is I’ve become more aware of certain ‘principles’ if you will that have guided my life. Some of them I have heard from my mom or other people since I was a little kid, others were influence by some form of teacher later on and still others are something I have learned on my own.

1 Everything Happens for a Reason. I’m not talking every little thing happens for some profound reason, I fall off chairs all the time cuz, well, I’m a clutz. But the bigger thing, especially the ones that appear to have absolutely no logic, there’s some reason somewhere. That reason may not become apparent for years, or it may not even be for you. For those that really know me, which is a sad handful, a raised eyebrow would not surprise me but I wouldn’t be where I am or who I am if not for my past.

2 Pick Your Battles. My mom realized when we were young that us kids not having a clean room was not something she was going to fret about on her death bed. I can be really argumentative at times yet be equally as passive about things people dig their teeth into. When I’m not sure what to fight for any more or what’s worth fighting over, I go with what I will regret later.

3. Laugh or Cry. It’s a choice to react to a situation. I laugh at inappropriate moments but I don’t necessarily see anything wrong with it. I know others don’t see things how I do. But when you’re at somebody’s possible death bed, I just don’t see what crying does. For that matter I don’t see what crying does period. Find the humor in the situation cuz there is always something ironic or out of place to be laughed at.

4. It’s the Small Things.  I used to worry about everything to a ridiculous point until a teacher told me to stop and smell the flowers once in a while, to figure out what was really important. I haven’t figure out what’s really important and I still worry too much but now it’s those small things I hold precious. The swings at dusk with a good friend, rain with a clear blue sky, baby animals playing, a good laugh with friends. All things that mean nothing in the long run but are things I look back on and smile.

5. Life is Change. One of my colorguard instructors told me this my senior year. I’ve always hated change. Refused to even change my seat at the dinner table. But since I was told that, the more it makes sense and the more I’m ok with change. I’ve always been adaptable but now I’ve put that adaptability to use. Though there are still some things I’d like to leave the way they are.

6. Listen to Your Intuition. My family seems to have a stronger intuition than most, or maybe we just listen closer. There’s been more than one situation it has saved my butt, and a few that I ignored it and sorely regretted it later too. That little voice really does know what it’s talking about the majority of the time. Of  course just common sense will help in most situations too. Stealing cones from a church parking lot . . . ya that was a no brainer.

7. Be Kind Without Expecting Anything in Return. When I was in New England, manners were a rarity at least the kind with guys refusing to let you open your own door. So I was a lil surprised when I came down here to that kind of thing. But what surprised me more was that people seem to keep a tit for tat. I never understood that. Its not really doing someone a ‘favor’ if you’re expecting something back, that brings to mind the mob or politicians. I don’t operate on that system, in general I do things because they have to be done and I don’t mind. It’s something that generally doesn’t cost you much effort and helps someone out. Makes me wonder if society might be a lil better off if we all threw our chit sheets out and did what we hoped someone would do for us, taking a ‘Thanks’ in exchange for payment.

8. Life Isn’t Fair. . . It’s a fact.

There’s some smaller things I left out. There are other things I strongly believe in and other things I want to put into practice more but can’t seem to. And as with everything there are always exceptions to, well, everything. These are my personal thoughts, and only part of them at that, the less controversial part. Thanks to those that have contributes to these thoughts that help guide my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Micky! I'm so in favor of #7. It doesn't cost a thing to be pleasant and polite. (And it has the advantage of surprising people more often than not!)
